Memorial Day is a time to remember all our heroes that have gone on before us and those who are still out there fighting this crazy war. It seems to me that as this phase of the war winds down and we don't hear about it in the headlines continually that we don't think of those still over there as often and the sacrifices they make on a daily basis for us to live free.
So, I dedicate this giveaway to our moms and our heroes. Thank you for all that you do for us.
To enter to win this cute Beach Daisy Limited Edition Soy Candle -simply leave me a comment about your mom telling me what you love most about them and say a special thank you to all our heroes (or the one special to your heart).
My mom is still "Mom." She'll tell me like it is because she loves me and wants the best for me now at 47, just as she did when I was 7 and 17...I have never doubted that. She's also very loving and playfully silly.
Hats off to those in the military who serve out of a love for country, duty, and honor. They are those who stand in the gap for us, even if things aren't as clear or "right" as they should be... because love of country, duty, and honor are not wrong.
my mom is still the overbearing overworrying overgiving person i grew up with and i love her for it every day thanks for the giveaway
my mother drives me nuts but she has shown me that its ok not to be perfect, because there is no such thing as a perfect mom
My mother is my best fiend and my hero.. I owe all I have to her.
I love my Mom so so much! She has patience like I've never seen!
My mom is my biggest cheerleader. She always tell me I can do anything I can put my mind too.
I'm grateful for the military men and women who have given me my freedoms. My aunt and grandpa were both service people and I'm so proud of them.
My mom has been there when she should've given up and she makes me the woman I am today! She is an awsome Grandmal!!! My dad was a marine and my husband was in the Navy! I am tahnkful for all the service men who protect our country!
My mom is not just my mom - she's also my best friend.
Since my daughter-in-law is in the
USAF, I think of the young men and women in our military often.
G-d bless Moms and those who serve.
I love that my mom always is there for me.
Thanks for the giveaway!
My mom is my guardian angel on earth. Whenever I am faced with a difficulty she always has wise words and prayers that always get me over my hurdle.
Thank you to all you brave men and women who protect us and our country.
I love my Mom because she used to play games with me when I was a child and she taught me to be honest.
And a big Thank You to all of out military members, past and present.
1bmore @ gmail . com
my dad died from lung cancer when I was only 14. I can relate.
love that candle!
I would have to say my mom is great because she still helps me even though its me who is mom now
she will always be my mom though ;)
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms ot there. My mother, was my mother, and because of that I am what I am. It is because of her I am the strong, independent survivor that I turned out to be. For that I thank her. Thank you for the great giveaway and your generosity.
Even til this day I hate to say that she always right
Thanks to my mom and mother-in-law, we've never had to leave our children with babysitters. They're always there for us and ready to pass along the same life lessons they taught their children to their grandchildren.
A special thank you to all those in the service and to their families for all they do for our country.
How'd I not know you had some great giveaways on your blog?!
By the way...Your blog is now the recipient of the "One Lovely Blog Award".
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1. Accept the award.
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